People may find it hard to select a strategy for their business and marketing. Nowadays online marketing is considered as the best option for marketing your products and services, but offline marketing has other its own benefits. Each marketing approach has its own pros and cons.
In this article we have discussed about both online and offline marketing, read it and find out which one is more beneficial for your business:
Online marketing:
Online marketing refers to selling or buying products through online platforms like social media, ads, e-mail marketing, video blogging, website creation and all.
· It sells the product in a short period of time.
· It offers content at a cheap rate
· It is Measurable, you can measure online activities, likes, follows, shares and purchase using the online tools.
· It is accessible to every kind of business to all over the world. If you have an internet and computer it can reach anywhere in the globe.
· People can share their experiences and feedbacks online and it would be helpful for other buyers too.
· First you have to learn how it functions. You have to be familiar with its usage before practically using it.
· Though it can sell even a single click but in online marketing the competition is always very tough.
· Take times for the customers to build trust on your product and services.
· Also has a risk of fraud.
· Offline Marketing
Offline Marketing refers to create brand awareness using Internet. It uses traditional ways of marketing that do not have the direct involvement of internet. It has television and radio ads, print publications, direct emails, and outdoor advertisements etc.
· It can build trust shortly.
· It creates a long term impression and relation with the buyers, they remember print ads than online ads.
· People always prefer it when they step out of home.
· Good for those people who are not familiar with online marketing.
· You can easily get exactly what you need.
· It cannot be measured effectively, method of measurement in offline marketing is limited.
· It is costly like television ads, magazines but print marketing is cheap.
· Its reach is limited, depends on how you invest on marketing if it is limited then its reach would be limited. This is the reason it can’t reach the professional people easily.
· Its time limit is also very short you can run your aid in the time you have paid for.
· It needs large amount of people to run it.
We hope that your confusion is cleared now about online vs offline marketing, for more updates do visit Icon Advertisement.